Only Imperial Stormtroopers are this precise

Finally started painting the models of Star Wars Legion. White is a difficult colour to get right, but I am reasonably happy with the result. Still some work left on the base. I was originally considering some mild snow, but I think I shall try some pigment powdering to make it look more like urban dusty enviroments.

Paints used:

  • White
    • Primed: Vallejo Grey Surface Primer
    • Basecoat: Citadel Apothecary White
    • Layer: Citadel Ulthuan Grey
    • Edge Highlight: Vallejo White
  • Grey/Black:
    • Basecoat: Vallejo Black/Vallejo Neutral Grey 50/50
    • Highlight: Vallejo Neutral Grey
    • Black: Vallejo Black
  • Orange:
    • Basecoat: Vallejo Red Leather