Is there more to the moon of Pandora than the pretty landscapes and the beautiful wildlife that inhabits it? What if beneath the crust of this lush moon, there hides something truly terrifying? Something that’s beyond any of us, an existential curiosity. It all begins with the reason for humanities arrival on the moon in the first place.
Ubh-310, known informally as Unobtanium is a highly valuable and equally rare…uhm… rare earth metal found (as far as humanity knows) exclusively on the fifth moon of the gas giant Polyphemus, Pandora. Pandora is a fantastic place all in its own right. A lush planet of staggering beauty, with an advanced ecosystem and its own sentient alien race, the Na’Vi. It holds vistas such as floating mountains and huge atolls. The floating mountains become of obvious note, as besides the visual of it, the science behind it becomes relevant. These rocks are able to bypass what we think of as classical physics due to the properties of the Unobtanium the rocks contain.
It holds a staggering value of $40 million per kilogram when refined. So what makes this bit of rock so valuable to humanity. Unobtanium is a room temperature superconductor, and is crucial to keeping what has become an interstellar human empire alive. It is the key to keeping Earth alive, as much like modern cities scaled up, Earth depends on the logistics of its empire to feed and maintain itself. Without it, Earth has a fixed lifespan, and war and chaos would likely erupt over resources amid famine and disease. We see this in Avatar: The Way of Water, where due to the failure to secure the material by the RDA, Earth is dying and humanity has become refugees, desperate for a new home.
But humanity was an interstellar empire. What caused the well equipped and well armed RDA to fail in its retrieval of Unobtanium. Enter stage left, Pandora.
Pandora’s Ecosystem
Pandora’s ecosystem is truly interesting. Its a fully fledged ecosystem, with flora and fauna fitting all the traditional archetypes we see here on earth. Plant life fed upon by various species of herbivores who are in turn hunted by some quite terrifying predators. The biosphere contains a variety of species’, all with its own niches from the Direhorses (large hexapodal equine looking animals) to the Mountain Banshees (flying predators, reminiscent of pterodactyls) to the Tulkun (extremely intelligent, sentient whales).
What makes the biosphere of Pandora stand out, however, is in its response to outside threats. While the animals display “normal” responses to threats within their biosphere, such as a Thanator hunting a Direhorse, the response shown to external factors (like, for example, a Scorpion Gunship) are nothing alike to what we would see here on earth. Flocks of Banshees will wantonly engage loud, armoured and armed military gunships in huge swarms. On earth, a gunshot will often suffice to scare off the most dangerous of apex predators, like a lion, but on Pandora the local wildlife is suddenly willing to endure anti infantry gunfire and explosive rockets. This response from the local fauna has made the human excursions into Pandora extremely risky and costly. But one species has hampered humanities efforts on the moon more than any other.
The Na’Vi
The Na’Vi are one of evidently several sentient species on the moon of Pandora, already something of note considering how seemingly sparse intelligent life is in the universe. The Na’Vi are blue coloured humanoids standing at an average of 3 metres.
These truly Amazonian aliens are highly intelligent and resourceful, having adapted to something reminiscent of the human Palaeolithic era of hunter gathering. The Na’Vi have dark hair, and within is found perhaps the most remarkable appendage in all of biology, their Queue.
The Queue is a neural appendage, usually protected and housed externally on most species on Pandora. This organ enables the Na’Vi to “interface” with any other living creature that has an appropriate organ. It enables a mental connection and the sharing of information, and often allows the Na’Vi a level of control and mastery over other animals usually seen in human/animal bonds that require years of bonding and training.
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