Month: January 2023

You don´t know what an AK-47 is

Pierce Brosnan with an AKS-74U rifle in GoldenEye (1995)

The AK-47 is widely known in pop culture as the most produced firearm of all time, and a staple of films, video games and even adorns Mozambique´s flag. Estimates of Kalashnikov-style rifle production numbers range from 40 million to 150 million. Everyone has seen an AK-47. Everyone knows what an AK-47 is. Or do they?

Why Pandora Is Absolutely Terrifying

How can something so beautiful be terrifying? Oh just you wait…

Is there more to the moon of Pandora than the pretty landscapes and the beautiful wildlife that inhabits it? What if beneath the crust of this lush moon, there hides something truly terrifying? Something that’s beyond any of us, an existential curiosity. It all begins with the reason for humanities arrival on the moon in the first place.

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