Tag: painting

Star Wars Legion: CT-5555 “Fives”

Imperial Sentinel

I remain conflicted on the new Sentinel sculpts. The new ones are very good, but I think I will miss the old school chicken walker. Tried some mild OSL on this one, and unsure what I think.


If there is someone who is never bored, it must the medic in the 40k setting. When there is only war, there must be plenty of wounded. Having a blast with these new sculpts, they look both very 40k and somewhat believable.

Imperial Guard Squad

Continuing the guard of Cadia Stands, here are another 4 gentlement for the cold.

Imperial Guardsman

Getting around to the new Cadia Stands box. I was inspired by ww2 US soldiers combined with personal experiences with scandinavian militaries. Been relying much more on enamel washes for these, both because its a new technique for me but also because it adds a more grimy realistic tint to the models.

Paints Used:

  • White:
    • Vallejo White (Airbrushed on)
    • Apothecary White (Contrast Paint)
    • Vallejo White (Drybrush/Layering)
  • Dark Green:
    • Vallejo Military Green (Airbrushed on)
  • Light Green:
    • Vallejo US Tank Crew (Layered on)
  • Coat:
    • Vallejo Field Drab
  • The entire model was given an enamel wash of AK Dark Yellow for Green Vehicles

Imperial Stormtrooper

Only Imperial Stormtroopers are this precise

Finally started painting the models of Star Wars Legion. White is a difficult colour to get right, but I am reasonably happy with the result. Still some work left on the base. I was originally considering some mild snow, but I think I shall try some pigment powdering to make it look more like urban dusty enviroments.

Paints used:

  • White
    • Primed: Vallejo Grey Surface Primer
    • Basecoat: Citadel Apothecary White
    • Layer: Citadel Ulthuan Grey
    • Edge Highlight: Vallejo White
  • Grey/Black:
    • Basecoat: Vallejo Black/Vallejo Neutral Grey 50/50
    • Highlight: Vallejo Neutral Grey
    • Black: Vallejo Black
  • Orange:
    • Basecoat: Vallejo Red Leather

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